Friday, January 21, 2011

It's Okay to have Bad Days

First, a big LOL at Google, saying that I don't have original and interesting content in my blog.  I wasn't aware they were anti-WoW =D  I received an e-mail saying my blog was suspended requiring further action.  I couldn't understand why, but then I read the part where it said "Blogs must have original and interesting content."  Either they're saying I'm a hack (which is entirely possible) or boring.

And now, on with the show!

Yesterday, I made 0 gold.  Zip.  Zero.  Nada.  Why?  I just didn't feel like it.  Every day we have days where we just want to do something different.  I spent my WoW time yesterday PvP'ing, and I ran a few heroics.  It was fun and interesting (unlike my blog according to Google, apparently), and it got me refreshed.  It was kind of like a cheat meal; it restarted my metabolism to the point where I'm ready and rearing to go today.

This is the great thing about WoW; it's a game.  If you were the owner of your local Subway (or however franchising works), you'd lose business and customers would be really disappointed if you just said, "You know, I really don't feel like going in today," and just didn't open the store.  In WoW, you're the owner, but your customers will continue to buy from you even if you take a day, week, or even a month off.

The moral of the story is, you need to avoid burnout.  10k in a day, then 0 for the rest of the week is a lot worse than 3k per day.

There's my post, now it's time to go steal boring ideas think up more original interesting content for tomorrow!


  1. wow really? that sucks brah i think ur blog is awesome...

    your friend,

  2. They must think you are selling gold or something, your url suggests it

  3. Love the blog. I also dropped you an email. Check out my site and follow if you like what you see.

  4. Hey man, he was in my face.


  5. Google CEO Eric stepped down. Maybe Larry Paige will handle things differently. lulz

  6. I think you have a great blog, Don't let google bring you down!

  7. im always havin bad day but hoping it will turn around

  8. Sweet brah a fellow misc wow player. Will read for some gold tips (srs)

  9. Sucks about the Google thing. Wonder what all that's about :\

    Anyway, I love that you treat WoW as a game and not as a life or something as some people I know have done :P Very cool post, guy

  10. that sucks man, grinding all day and no moneis

  11. i hear the part about having bad days dude, followed.
